Whitney R Robinson
Whitney R Robinson

Whitney R Robinson

Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology


I design studies and interpret results from big datasets to figure out why rates of health and disease vary across groups.  More generally, I love thinking up new ways to draw causal inference from observational data.

Non-cancerous gynecologic conditions, like endometriosis, fibroids, and PCOS, are my particular focus.  They affect the well-being of a huge number of people but can be difficult to diagnose and treat.  And treatment often involves complex trade-offs regarding quality of life, fertility, and permanence of treatment effectiveness.  I typically investigate these questions using health care data that were not originally intended for research, such as electronic health records, state physician licensing data, etc.

As a Faculty Epidemiologist in the OB-GYN Department, I genuinely love seeing others thrive in their research.  I have a gift for identifying where people can add the most value on a research team. 


Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology in the School of Medicine

2022 School of Medicine

Member of the Duke Cancer Institute in the School of Medicine

2021 School of Medicine

Core Faculty Member, Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy in the University Initiatives & Academic Support Units

2021 University Initiatives & Academic Support Units


Ph.D. 2008

2008 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Publications, Grants & Awards

Offices & Contact

DUMC Box 3084
Durham, NC