The Mexican Consulate in Raleigh and the Duke Cancer Institute Office of Health Equity collaborated on a community forum on breast and cervical cancer prevention and screening.

Mexican Consulate, DCI OHE Community Conversation (in Spanish)
From the Duke Cancer Institute archives. Content may be out of date.
On March 31, 2021, the Mexican Consulate in Raleigh and the Duke Cancer Institute Office of Health Equity collaborated on a community forum (in Spanish) — "Prevention & Screening in Breast and Cervical Cancer."
Event moderator Mónica Colin Gutierrez, Consul for Community Affairs at the Consulate (top right in photo) introduced OHE leader Angelo Moore, Ph.D., RN, (middle left in photo) who said a few words of welcome before Colin introduced the DCI speakers.
Rafael Gonzalez, MD, a gynecologic oncology fellow at DCI (bottom left in photo), and Nadia Aguilera-Funez, BA (middle right in photo) a patient navigator/health educator with OHE — both fluent in Spanish — led the program and took questions.
"We established a relationship with the Mexican Consulate pre-COVID," said Moore. "Monica attended our cervical cancer webinar in January and reached out afterward to collaborate to do a health session during Women’s Month (marked in March in Mexico). We developed this virtual program (held March 30) to focus on breast cancer, and cervical cancer, and getting access and resources for screenings. These were important topics for the Latina women who attended."
The event, held via Facebook Live, was widely shared and has attracted more than 1.5K views.