Fan Yuan
Professor of Biomedical EngineeringOverview
Dr. Yuan has extensive experiences in analysis of therapeutic agent transport in mammalian cells, tissues, and organs, and development of effective strategies, design principles, and new technologies that can be used to facilitate the transport. The goal of his research is to improve delivery of therapeutic agents to their targets, which is crucial in treatment and prevention of diseases. He has published >100 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals, and a textbook on transport analysis in biological systems that has been used to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in many universities.
Professor of Biomedical Engineering in the Pratt School of Engineering
2009 Pratt School of Engineering
Professor in Ophthalmology in the School of Medicine
2013 School of Medicine
Member of the Duke Cancer Institute in the School of Medicine
1996 School of Medicine
B.S. 1983
1983 Peking University (China)
M.S. 1985
1985 Peking University (China)
Ph.D. 1990
1990 City University of New York
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