Geoffrey Steven Ginsburg
Geoffrey Steven Ginsburg

Geoffrey Steven Ginsburg

Adjunct Professor in the Department of Medicine


Dr. Geoffrey S. Ginsburg's research interests are in the development of novel paradigms for developing and translating genomic information into medical practice and the integration of personalized medicine into health care.


Adjunct Professor in the Department of Medicine in the School of Medicine

2022 School of Medicine


Ph.D. 1984

1984 Boston University

M.D. 1984

1984 Boston University

Medical Resident, MEDICINE

1987 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Fellow in Cardiology, MEDICINE

1990 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Research Fellow in Cardiology, MEDICINE

1990 Children's Hospital, Boston

Publications, Grants & Awards

Offices & Contact

101 Science Dr, Rm 2111
Durham, NC
Duke Box 3382
Durham, NC