Hayden Barry Bosworth
Professor in Population Health SciencesOverview
Dr. Bosworth is a health services researcher and Deputy Director of the Center of Innovation to Accelerate Discovery and Practice Transformation (ADAPT) at the Durham VA Medical Center. He is also Vice Chair of Education and Professor of Population Health Sciences. He is also a Professor of Medicine, Psychiatry, and Nursing at Duke University Medical Center and Adjunct Professor in Health Policy and Administration at the School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research interests comprise three overarching areas of research: 1) clinical research that provides knowledge for improving patients’ treatment adherence and self-management in chronic care; 2) translation research to improve access to quality of care; and 3) eliminate health care disparities.
Dr. Bosworth is the recipient of an American Heart Association established investigator award, the 2013 VA Undersecretary Award for Outstanding Achievement in Health Services Research (The annual award is the highest honor for VA health services researchers), and a VA Senior Career Scientist Award. In terms of self-management, Dr. Bosworth has expertise developing interventions to improve health behaviors related to hypertension, coronary artery disease, and depression, and has been developing and implementing tailored patient interventions to reduce the burden of other chronic diseases. These trials focus on motivating individuals to initiate health behaviors and sustaining them long term and use members of the healthcare team, particularly pharmacists and nurses. He has been the Principal Investigator of over 30 trials resulting in over 400 peer reviewed publications and four books. This work has been or is being implemented in multiple arenas including Medicaid of North Carolina, private payers, The United Kingdom National Health System Direct, Kaiser Health care system, and the Veterans Affairs.
Areas of Expertise: Health Behavior, Health Services Research, Implementation Science, Health Measurement, and Health Policy
Professor in Population Health Sciences in the School of Medicine
2017 School of Medicine
Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences in the School of Medicine
2021 School of Medicine
Professor in Medicine in the School of Medicine
2020 School of Medicine
Affiliate Faculty Member, Duke-Margolis Institute for Health Policy in the University Initiatives & Academic Support Units
2024 University Initiatives & Academic Support Units
Member in the Duke Clinical Research Institute in the School of Medicine
2022 School of Medicine
Core Faculty in Innovation & Entrepreneurship in the University Initiatives & Academic Support Units
2018 University Initiatives & Academic Support Units
Associate of the Duke Initiative for Science & Society in the University Initiatives & Academic Support Units
2017 University Initiatives & Academic Support Units
Senior Fellow in the Center for the Study of Aging in the School of Medicine
1997 School of Medicine
Ph.D. 1996
1996 Pennsylvania State University
Publications, Grants & Awards
Offices & Contact
Durham, NC
411 West Chapel Hill Street
Durham, NC