Marc Daniel Ryser
Associate Professor in Population Health SciencesOverview
Marc D. Ryser conducts research in cancer early detection, with a particular focus on breast cancer overdiagnosis and overtreatment. Using a multi-scale approach, his group generates and analyzes biologic, clinical and population data using a variety of mathematical, statistical and computational tools. Dr. Ryser teaches an immersive research seminar for undergraduate students called “Math & Medicine.”
Website: https://sites.duke.edu/marcdryser/
Associate Professor in Population Health Sciences in the School of Medicine
2023 School of Medicine
Associate Research Professor of Mathematics in the Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
2023 Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Member of the Duke Cancer Institute in the School of Medicine
2018 School of Medicine
Ph.D. 2011
2011 McGill University (Canada)
Publications, Grants & Awards
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