Shannon Jones McCall
Shannon Jones McCall

Shannon Jones McCall

Associate Professor of Pathology


As Vice Chair for Translational Research in the Department of Pathology, I am involved in numerous translational cancer research projects that rely on the study of human biological samples.  I am the director of the Duke BioRepository & Precision Pathology Center (Duke BRPC), a shared resource of the School of Medicine and the Duke Cancer Institute.  I serve as the PI for the National Cancer Institute's Cooperative Human Tissue Network Southern Division (a five-year UM1 grant), which lives in the Duke BRPC.  My own area of research interest is gastrointestinal tract metaplasias and their relationship to carcinogenesis, particularly in the upper GI tract.


Associate Professor of Pathology in the School of Medicine

2020 School of Medicine

Associate Professor in Surgery in the School of Medicine

2020 School of Medicine

Member of the Duke Cancer Institute in the School of Medicine

2017 School of Medicine


B.S. 1996

1996 North Carolina State University

M.D. 2000

2000 Duke University

Resident, Pathology

2005 Duke University

Chief Resident, PATHOLOGY

2005 Duke University

Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, American Board of Pathology (ABPath)

9999 American Board of Pathology

Clinical Informatics, American Board of Pathology (ABPath)

9999 American Board of Pathology

Publications, Grants & Awards

Offices & Contact

Dept of Pathology Box 3712
Durham, NC
Duke Box 3712
Durham, NC