graphic of a colorful sneaker with a skyline of buildings

Bull City Race Fest and Food Truck Rodeo



Registration Closed




American Tobacco
318 Blackwell St
Durham, NC
This event has passed.

For the first time this year, Duke Cancer Institute will be the charity beneficiary of this fun event right in downtown Durham.

The festival has something for everyone: fast or slow runners, cheering supporters, and hungry families.

The run starts and finishes at Diamond View Park. Choose from the Half Marathon, 5-Miler or 1-Miler. Enjoy a fall morning of running through downtown Durham, Duke University, and surrounding Historic Neighborhoods. After you cross the finish line, enjoy delicious eats from a variety of delicious food trucks!

Not a runner? We need volunteers to help at our tent at the post-race celebration. Volunteers receive a free DCI t-shirt. Sign up to volunteer.

FOR DCI EMPLOYEES: Use the code RUNDCI to receive a free registration. The runner who collects the most charity donations by October 8 will win two VIP tickets for breakfast with Coach John Scheyer and the opportunity to watch a men's basketball practice session.