On September 29, community members, including cancer survivors and caregivers, learned about the latest clinical advances in the treatment of kidney, prostate, and bladder cancers during a live discussion among faculty/oncologists from the Duke Cancer Institute Center for Prostate & Urologic Cancers.
Speakers included: William Berry, MD; Daniel George, MD; Michael Harrison, MD; Zach Reitman, MD, PhD; Ankeet Shah, MD; Michael Abern, MD; Andrew Armstrong, MD, MSc; Ryan Fecteau, MD, PhD; Christopher Hoimes, DO; Shahla Bari, MBBS; and Hannah McManus, MD.
In a special session of the symposium William Berry, MD, was celebrated for his five-decade career in Medicine — beginning and ending at Duke — and interviewed by George. Berry, a DCI medical oncologist specializing in treating bladder, kidney, prostate, and testicular cancer, joined Duke on January 1, 1974, and will officially retire on Dec. 31, 2023. He earned his MD at Duke in 1973.
Together, the 2023 Duke Cancer Institute Center for Prostate & Urologic Cancers Symposium (9/29/23) and Tackle Cancer Tailgate (9/30/23) raised $64,000 for prostate and urologic cancer research.