Three DCI Nurses Win FON Excellence Awards


Three Duke Cancer Institute nurses received Duke Friends of Nursing (FON) Excellence Awards at a ceremony held on May 20. Thirty-eight nurses in total were selected out of more than 200 nominees.

Friends of Nursing is a grateful patient program that was established to:

  • Recognize professional excellence in nursing practice, nursing education and nursing research
  • Enhance the status of nursing
  • Promote nursing as a rewarding career

Since its inception in 1988, FON has sponsored professional development opportunities, such as seminars and Nursing Grand Rounds, funded scholarships for continuing education, financially supported learning and research dissemination, and recognized outstanding nursing practice. FON activities ensure that all Duke University Health System (DUHS) nurses have access to the funding and education required to enhance their roles as healthcare providers, educators, researchers, and administrators.

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And the Winners Are ...

Deborah “Hutch” Allen, PhD, RN, CNS, FNP-BC, AOCNP: Nurse Research Mentor Award
Deborah AllenClinical Nurse Scientist
Director of Nursing Research & Evidence-Based Practice
Duke University Health System

Oncology Nurse Practitioner
Cancer Center Symptom Management Clinic
Duke Cancer Center Raleigh

Associate Faculty
Duke Cancer Institute

Clinical Associate Faculty
Duke University School of Nursing

LEARN MORE about Deborah, WATCH a video interview, and READ nomination letter excerpts

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Nicole “Nicki” Murray Coates, BSN, RN, OCN: Evelyn Morgan Award for Excellence in Oncology Nursing Practice
Nicki CoatesClinical Nurse III

Duke Cancer Center North Durham
Duke Regional Hospital

LEARN MORE about Nicki, WATCH a video interview, and READ nomination letter excerpts

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Meagan Salmon, BSN, RN, OCN: Excellence in Oncology Nursing Practice
Assistant Nurse Manager
Oncology Unit 9300
Duke University Hospital

LEARN MORE about Meagan, WATCH a video interview, and READ nomination letter excerpts

This page was reviewed on 05/23/2023